Celebrate Dhanteras with your new website

For over two decades, websites have played the crucial role of being an online representation of individuals, businesses, and organisations, connecting them with like-minded people, customers, and other stakeholders. Websites have held their own even after the emergence of social media platforms. Hence, they continue to be a vital component of a brand’s online presence as well as its marketing mix.

Owing to this, it is imperative that your website presents accurate and relevant information along with a seamlessly immersive user experience.

Investing in your brand is essential, so if you are contemplating a web redesign, we recommend keeping a few factors and steps in mind when revamping your website and choosing a web designer. Through careful planning, hiring, and implementation, you will be able to celebrate Dhanteras with your new website.

Know your audiences

Content must always cater to audiences or it fails to make an impact. Hence, conducting user research, gathering feedback, and analysing their behaviour is necessary.

Understanding your audience’s likings and frustrations with your current website will allow you to redesign it to fulfil their needs. Websites tailor made for their audiences retain attention and ensure satisfactory user experience.

Audit and develop a new sitemap

Before transforming your existing website into a new one, there must be thorough evaluation. Analyse navigation, site architecture, forms, web page load speeds, product pages, etc. Recognizing which aspects are performing well and which demand improvement is an important step of transforming your website.

Make a sitemap to guide users on how to navigate your new website. When navigation schemes and information architecture are redesigned thoughtfully, they contribute to your website’s success.

In this ‘cookieless’ era, to capture emails to create your email list, incorporate a pop-up window or email signup in your website template’s footer.

Improve visual design

Aesthetics and visual trends are constantly changing, so websites tend to look and feel outdated. A website redesign will remedy such issues through new fonts, colour schemes, branding elements, and layouts and enhance aesthetics and usability.

Optimize across all devices

Mobile devices contribute to a large share of web traffic, hence prompt mobile responsiveness is an absolute must. Additionally, your website should load and function across various devices and their screen sizes, as this also improves Google rankings.

Improve content strategy

Despite an amazing UI and UX, websites succeed when their content does. So, only relevant and up to date content should remain and be posted to your website.

Furthermore, invest your efforts into SEO or hire an SEO expert to ensure your unique and original content is optimized for search engines, as they bring new traffic to your websites. SEO-friendly content will include blogs and FAQs.


Dhanteras, an auspicious day that marks Diwali’s commencement signifies a great time to make new beginnings. Hence, people invest in gold, silver, and other items with the belief that they will multiply manifold. Investing in website redesign before Dhanteras is the perfect time, as you will be able to celebrate this auspicious occasion with a new website with improved chances of success due to its redesign and when it was relaunched.
